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Meaningful Science Ministries

"I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reasons, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."

- Galileo Galilei,

"Do not be afraid to be free thinkers. If you think strongly enough, you will be forced by science to the belief in God."

- Lord Kelvin,

"Christianity was needed to give birth to modern science."

-R. Oppenheimer,
Nuclear Physicist

"Once more the Christian belief in the Creator allowed a break-through in thinking of nature."

-Stanley L. Jaki,
Physics Prof.,
Seton Hall U.

"Science was not the work of western secularists or even deists; it was entirely the work of devout believers in an active, conscious, creator God."

-Rodney Stark,
Sociology Prof,
Baylor U.

"The Bible and its literal interpretation have played a vital role in the development of Western science."

-Peter Harrison,
Sci/Religion Prof.,
Oxford U.

"Christians and a Christian worldview were crucial to the formation of the early sciences."

-Dan Graves,
Sci/History Author

Meaningful Science in the Past

Does science lead to Atheism?
Can a REAL scientist have REAL faith?
Consider these great scientists.

Nicolaus Copernicus
, who first discovered that the Earth goes around the Sun, was a Canon of the Church, and continually referred to the Creator in his scientific writings.

Galileo Galilei, who discovered gravity and first used the telescope for Astronomy, claimed that the Bible was divinely inspired and that nature owes its very existence to God.

Johannes Kepler, who discovered the three laws of planetary motion, studied to be a Christian minister and frequently quoted the Bible in his scientific writings.

Isaac Newton, who is possibly the greatest scientist of all time, wrote more about theology and the Bible than he did about math and science.

Robert Boyle, the founder of modern chemistry and of the prestigious Royal Society of Scientists, wrote a book called The Christian Virtuoso on how science helps one to be a better Christian.  He also used his riches to support Christian missionaries and to pay for the translation of the Bible into foreign languages.

Blaise Pascal, who discovered hydraulics and is the namesake of the SI unit for pressure, wrote a book called Pensees that is a collection of thoughts and arguments defending the Christian faith against Atheism and other religious faiths.

Michael Faraday, who discovered electromagnetism and the electrical motor,  was a lay minister who preached many sermons at the church where he served as elder. He began each day with prayer and Bible study.

Gregor Mendel, who discovered genetics and the laws of inheritance, was a Catholic priest who performed experiments at the monastery where he lived.

James Prescott Joule, the father of thermodynamics and the namesake of the SI unit for energy, said that “To be acquainted with natural laws means to be acquainted with the mind of God therein expressed.”1    

William Thompson (a.k.a. Lord Kelvin), who discovered the Law of Entropy and is the namesake of the SI unit for temperature, said that “overwhelmingly strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design lie all around us…teaching us that all living beings depend on one ever-acting Creator and Ruler.”2

Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, recently wrote a book entitled The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief in which he defends the Christian worldview against Atheistic Science.

All of these besides Carolus Linneaus, Georges Cuvier, John Dalton, J.J. Thompson, Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, George Washington Carver, Samuel Morse, and many more of the best scientists our world has ever known.  These great minds believed that science does not lead to Atheism. Many of the greatest contributions to modern science have been made by people with a passion for thinking God's thoughts after Him.  If you read their writings, you will find scientists seeking not only to benefit humanity, but also to bring glory to the Creator. In fact, modern science was born out of a culture saturated by the Christian worldview, and not any other. These are REAL scientists with REAL faith

1. Taken from his notes, as cited in J.G. Crowther, British Scientists of the Nineteenth Century, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1962, p. 139.
2. Taken from his presidential address to the 41st meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, August, 1871.

For More Info:

Watch our new video, "Real Science. Real Faith."

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